Building Transparency and Accountability in Public Safety

Public Safety

Public safety is undeniably paramount for a community to move forward and build trust among each other. Public safety though, also entails a respectful dose of public transparency and accountability. The City of Albany is set to initiate our Policing Commission, with the intention of also increasing better community engagement. No city or municipality is immune to moments of enduring lessons learned - including Albany. We have an opportunity to lead the way in our county and greater region, to showcase what true community engagement and dialogue can look like with respect to public safety.

Our Commitment:

We commit to fostering accountability, transparency, and effective dialogue among community leaders, our neighbors, and public safety officials. Furthermore, we commit to nominating community members to serve on the Policing Commission who represent diverse spaces and experiences, to ensure such critically needed perspective is not excluded from the decision-making table when it concerns the commission making recommendations to the council.